Thursday, December 11, 2008


A couple months ago two of my friends started a group on facebook called "Serve Others, Glorify God". For those who join it is a place to share how you are doing and to encourage each other to serve others. And I know that I for one when it comes to keeping a journal don't do such a good job of writing everyday...I can for like a week or two and then it kinda falls out of habit so usually there is a month missing here and there. But anyway, I though I would share on here on my blog what I have written so far.

Oct 13th
Having woken up slightly on the wrong side of the bed if you know what I mean, having "wonderful" chores and things that I had to get done before lunch and co-op, I didn't quite have the servant attitude, "I have things that I need to do so please leave me alone". While researching stuff for school I logged on to fb and had an invite for the group, so I joined and proceeded to see what was up, while reading the info and 1st post it totally put my mind into a new perspective for the day it got my mind of the craziness I was in and allowed me to pause and to focus on that what I need and WANT to do is serve and my heart wasn't in the right place. Being able to have a daily reminder will really help.

At our co-op for Homeschool I was able to serve in a variety of ways, leading a group, putting stuff away, watching the a few kids for a mom who went to bring her car to the front door cuz it was raining etc... Not too many huge opportunities to serve but the days will vary. Keeping an open mind and the right perspective throughout the day really put my heart in the right place.

Serving others is one of my passions but sometimes I think the business of life distracts me and puts me off course with the wrong attitude or blocks the remembrance of what I really want to be doing. Hence being a servant for God’s glory is difficult as Jesus has said. But if we wait on Him and put our hope in Him He will give us strength. I look forward to tomorrow to see what God brings my way, and being able to have a servant’s heart as the day passes by.

Oct 14th
Amen Audra! Allot of times we miss the small opportunities that make a difference cuz we are too focused on looking for something bigger…

Today I was at home all day cleaning and doing school, not much opportunity, other than small things...I was kinda bummed to be cooped up inside all day, I was still able to serve in my response to my siblings, and helping them with things they needed, knowing that I was still serving in the small things I still prayed for a bigger opportunity, when I thought “well I guess not today”, I got a call from a neighbor her husband wasn't back from a business trip yet he was going to be another hour and she had a meeting in 20 min and was wondering if I'd come over and watch the kids until he got back. So I put in a movie for my siblings and went on over! Not super big but being able to help/serve was great!

Wakening up everyday saying to myself "serve others glorify God" really helps me start my day with a great mindset, or whenever I feel like have a short fuse I simply say to myself "Serve others glorify God" and take a breath and change my's great! Just opening yourself up to Gods will and being willing to do so, He'll use you in small and big ways...keep moving forward, God bless!

Oct 15th
Well let's see my day was looooong, just serving in small ways. What I took from the day to share is....I think you can also really serve someone with not just your actions but your words, tone, and attitude. Right now I have allot on my plate you could say, I have allot that I NEED to get done, allot that I HAVE to get done, and a few things that I WANT to get done! But not enough time to do it!! Along with day to day things that just "pop up" it is all very stressful! And allot of times when I am stressed I tend to respond to others in the wrong way, weather it just be my words or my tone. Really working on serving others more, has helped with that, when I’m about to lose my temper so to say when my little sister asks me where her folder is for the 3rd time while I’m trying to focus on school or what not the phrase just pops into my head; serve others, glorify God….I pause, and respond with the right tone. It’s something I’ve been trying to work on for awhile but I always tended to forget about it in the moment. Just try saying it throughout your day and really think about what it means and what you can do about it… “Serve Others, Glorify God!”

Oct 16th
Today I was basically in my room all morning trying to get as much school done as possible, and then I had work. Being a receptionist all you really do IS serve people, its one reason why I really like where I work, today there were extra little things that normally I don't get to do to help out so it was great! All in all it was a great day, I got allot done, I kept a great attitude all day nothing really frustrated me, and I was able to just be available to serve!

Oct 17th
Today was a pretty good day, I got to sit and listed to my Uncle tell us about his missions trip, and then we went to Mc Donalds for lunch as we were leaving, I was hurrying out the door to catch up with everyone and an old man with his hands full of coffee and a bag asked me if I'd hold the door for him. (ha ha if you don't see the opportunity to serve it'll whack you in the head!) so I did :D. I got to comfort my brother since our aunt and uncle are back from their missions trip our cousins went home today, he is always REALLY sad when his cousin Jacob leaves or when we have to leave. :( And I finished off the night babysitting for a small group from our church that meets in my neighborhood and I just volunteer, so they don't have to pay me. Glory to God!

Oct 18th
Audra, I think about that allot, every so often I feel like I’m just going through the motions. And we complain “why do I have to do the same thing over and over again”, but we never do anything about it! You have to stop and think, what can I do to change this, pay attention to those around you, look for ways to serve, search deeper into the meaning of Gods word, don't just sing the song really think about what it helps allot!

Ryan, we are all going to have moments like that I'm sure, but because of them we'll grow more and have the desire then to not miss those opportunities...

Well my day was def. not the best Saturday I’ve had, at least that's how I looked at it at first, I worked which was good I got allot done and the time passed quickly. But after work I found out that my friend wasn't able to do anything that day and I knew my other friends were busy too, I was really bummed I had wanted to just chill and hang with a friend or two but nope I got to sit at home and work on such and such and deal with my siblings cuz my parents were gone for the morning and afternoon…then my neighbor called...her 2 yr old daughter burnt her hand on the stove and needed to go and pick up some cream from the pharmacy at target, and was wondering if I was able to watch her kids while she ran and got it, I said yes and ran over there and watched a crying and in pain 2yr old, a sleeping 2month old, and a energetic 4yr old while she ran to target, it went well I was able to calm her down and get her mind of her hand by reading books which also calmed her 4yr old brother down to...then it hit me, if I had been out with friends she would have had to have taken all of them with her, wow can you imagine that! It just goes to show that when WE think that something is going to bad, or suck, or be no fun, or not turn out right, or be disappointing, or when something doesn't make sense...that GOD knows what He is doing and that He uses everything.
"All things work together for good for those who love God"
So keep in mind then when something doesn’t make sense and you just don’t understand why…God is in control and that this “thing” is only 1 piece of a huge puzzle and God is putting it all together, He created it and knows what it will look like in the end!

Oct 19th
Well it was a pretty uneventful day, serving wise. A couple small things here and there that are just normal for me like watching some kids for a bit while mom and dad practice for worship team, was a great day to dig into the work this morning at church and then to just kick back and relax get a few things done. Can't think of much else to say so here is just a line from a song that stuck with me today.

"Heal my heart and make it clean, Open up my eyes to the things unseen, Show me how to love like you have loved me, Break my heart from what breaks yours, Everything I am for your kingdoms cause " ~Hosanna by Hillsong~

Oct 20th
Well all it's been one week, and I know that I for one have really appreciated this group it keeps me the only thing I did really was fill in for someone at work and just other little things...I don't really have much to did your days go?

~A servants mind set~
written by me

Give me opportunities, the right mind set, an open heart and mind, I pray
So I can lead a servant’s life every single day

To be like Jesus, to press on and keep serving even when I think I can’t do more
He will give me the strength if it’s Him I’m living for

Why live for me? Where’s the joy in that?
Love God, serve others, be like Him…is where I find contentment at

But oh the world, the busy lives we live
We forget that we were made to give

Caught up in the daily routine
We look past the things that are meant to be seen

If our hearts aren’t right, if we’re not in Him, if our mindsets are wrong
What we are set out to do is essentially gone

Oct 26th
Hey all, yeah I haven’t written much cuz it's been a crazy week, but I always find some way to serve others cuz there are so many things you can do! Prob the biggest thing this week was on Tuesday I was babysitting and after all the kids went to bed I cleaned up their kitchen and living room, they have 4 kids under the age of 6 and they all keep mom very busy, I enjoy doing it for her cuz I like to clean;) the best part is when they get home and I see her face light up, I could see the relief of knowing that she wasn't gonna have to stay up for another hour cleaning! :D Serve others glorify God, Glorify God...has been a reoccurring theme this week at bible study, at a baby shower, and my devos, have all had to do with Glorifying God!

Oct 30th
Okay so wow it's been a long time, life just seems to be getting crazier and crazier! But I’m still finding ways to serve. When our lives get busy we tend to look past the small opportunities to serve that actually makes a big difference, and try to find something big or just look past it all completely! Try and keep an open mind, take time to stop and think. I find that writing serve others, glorify God on a sticky note and putting it on your clock, in your bible, on your mirror, in your car, helps cuz it catches your eye you read it and I reminds you to stop and has serving gone for you this week?

Dec 7th
WOW ok looooong time! Someone served me today and I thought I'd share it with you all. It gives another example of how to serve others. I was at work, I am a receptionist at a Piano Studio, and today was shopping day. The kids get gold coins for practicing and doing extra stuff and then once a month they get to spend their coins at the "store" consisting of lil nick knacks and candy. of the girls who is always so sweet whenever she comes got a candy bar. And awhile later while she was waiting for her sister to finish her lesson, she opened it up and saw that there were two small candy bars inside. I heard her say to herself. "Oh hey, there are two in here; I wonder who I could share this with?" SO 1 she said "who could I share this with" not maybe I could share this with someone. And 2 it was the first thing she said as soon as she opened it. Her first thought was I can share this with and will share this with someone! Yes she did end up sharing with me, now I know you maybe thinking "So I can serve by giving someone a candy bar?!" Well in a way, yes. This girl spent her hard earned coins for this candy bar and the first thing she wanted to do with it was share it with someone else! (Oh the heart of a child!) How often do we only think of ourselves!? Allot! Trust me I know! It's something I'm working on. We do it so much more than we think we would. So how can you serve others going off of my story, how does it help you? I'm sure it will be a little different from person to person. What do you think....

Serve! For God! About Others!

Dec 9th
(true, true) yeah sometimes it feels like you can't give any more, you're worn out and tired, down, discouraged...just remember that God will give you the strength to serve, if you ask Him for it and are willing to give it all you've got! As with everything else in life things have their ups and downs! Keep giving it all you've got, praise God when you're up and when you're down, learn from the down and apply it when you're up. Lord send your fire, "Fire fall down, Fire fall down, on us we pray, let it consume us. As we seek!" Fire fall down/Fuego de Dios by Hillsong


The Godsey Family said...

My dear Britney,
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. You are such an inpsiration and an encouragement to me! I will try to remember your phrase "Serve others, glorify God," as I go through my day. And I need to remember, that even means while taking care of my kids! I'll tell you someday soon how even little Moriah got to serve the other night! Praise God. Take care my dear. I love you! Your Aunt Laura

Britney Emilie said...

Thanks you so much Aunt Laura!
Love you too! (miss you, but see you soon :D