Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Simple Solution #1

Hey everyone, I was thinking of something the other day and it gave me a great idea of some things that I could post on my blog.... "Simple Solutions" for little (maybe big) things that happen in our day to day lives. I honestly don't know how many I'll post or if they will always/ever work, but I thought I'd just post them anyways and see how it goes. :) Sooooo......

Problem #1
>Not enough apples to go around!<

You make lunch or dinner and decide to add in some fruit, since the only fruit in your fridge that the kids love is apples you grab one (or two) slice them up and distribute them to the kids. Half way through dinner maybe even before then the apples are gone and your kids are asking for more, but you would like them to eat their other food first (they can't just have apples for dinner), they complain that they only had 3 slices and that it wasn't enough and finish the rest of their food. They finished their food so you get up to slice another apple, now here are some things that may happen at this point, 1: there are no more apples, 2:only one child wants more apples and you know they he/she won't be able to eat the whole thing and your not hungry for more apples either. So now you either have an upset child or left over apples that aren't gonna look scrumptious later. So to keep complaints down, only have to cut the apples once, make fewer apples go a long way, and keep your kids happy
here it is....

Simple Solution #1
Simply cut your apple into 12 pieces instead of 8.
Yes your child will not technically be getting more apple, but he will have more slices and therefore
it will seem like he/she has more. :)

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